Friday, February 12, 2010

Follow Up: State Won't Release Killpack Video

As I previously noted, the State was refusing to turn over video of then-Senator Sheldon Killpack's DUI arrest.

The State Records Committee decided Thursday that dash-cam video of former Utah State Senator Sheldon Killpack's arrest for allegedly driving drunk, as well as a Utah Highway Patrol report of the incident, are public records.
However, it may take up to 30 days to turn the records over.


Unknown said...

Indeed drunk driving is a criminal offence. Anybody, whosoever he is, if involved in drunk driving, should be punished. The arrest of former Utah State Senator Sheldon Killpack's arrest for allegedly driving drunk, is a prime example of that.

If anyone is involved with drunk driving and got arrested in Miami, he can consult Miami DUI Lawyer.

Unknown said...

I agree. Anyone that is involved with drunk driving should be punished. There shouldn't be any acceptions to the rule.